HER MUSIC - She was adopted into "ANOM!LE cru All-Stars" and the !ndividualzCru creative family as "D@"/"D.A.T."/"Data" in 1997, becoming Opx. MJ Darl!ng's first protege and the crew's premier female emcee for three years.
HER SOUL - In the next years, she became Saved, giving her life to Jesus Christ/Yeshuah Mashiach and since, traveled the country as a lone (yet sometimes troubled) missionary for the rest of her days until early this December, 2012, when she was fatally struck by a F-150 on HWY I-95 in St. Johns County/St. Augustine, FL (see related articles below).
HER LEGACY - Friends of Paul "Gadget" Keith, DJ Supreme and Eargasmatics 1999, 24Elderz, Attitude, Green Seed, BMW crew, Ol Tyma, Pitbull TKO, Harold J/KNCKTRNL and so many more in the SE music /rave scene, we will miss you so terribly much, D; we love you (say 'hi' to Bogart and Gadget for us)!
D's FB page - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001281399939